BSB Service LLC is rated 3 out of 5 in the category retail. Read and write reviews about BSB Service LLC. BSB Service LLC was established on October 5,1991 in Mongolia. It has 9 stores in Ulaanbaatar, 1 in Erdenet and another in Darkhan city that offer wide variety of products to its customers. BSB is the biggest and well known retailer of consumer electronics, IT and furniture in Mongolia; securing about 33% of the consumer market share. The company is a distributor of Acer, Apple, Black Red White, Casio, Dell, Electrolux, HP, Indesit, KAM, Kyocera, LG, NEC, Nikon, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and other brands. BSB Group had been named one of the Top-150 Companies of Mongolia 14 consecutive years; listed 22nd place in 2013. БСБ Сервис ХХК нь 1991 оны 10 сарын 05-ны єдєр УБ хотод байгуулагдсан. Бид Acer, Apple, Black Red White, Casio, Dell, Electrolux, HP, Indesit, KAM, Kyocera, LG, NEC, Nikon, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba зэрэг брэндүүдийн албан ёсны дистрибьютер юм.
Teeverchyd Street-5 BSB Service Building
Company size
201-500 employees